How did it start?
In 2007, a woman by the name of Phoenix Feeley was wrongfully arrested for walking topless in New York City. She sued the city and won $29,000 in compensation because it is legal to be topless in NY since 1992.
How did it start?
In 2007, a woman by the name of Phoenix Feeley was wrongfully arrested for walking topless in New York City. She sued the city and won $29,000 in compensation because it is legal to be topless in NY since 1992.

Rael Maitreya
Spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement, a fervent defender of gender equality, founded GoTopless following the news about Phoenix Feeley’s legal victory. Since 2007, an annual International Gotopless Day has been celebrated around the world on or close to Aug. 26.

Rael Maitreya
Spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement, a fervent defender of gender equality, founded GoTopless following the news about Phoenix Feeley’s legal victory. Since 2007, an annual International Gotopless Day has been celebrated around the world on or close to Aug. 26.

Rael Maitreya
Rael Maitreya
Spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement, a fervent defender of gender equality, founded GoTopless following the news about Phoenix Feeley’s legal victory. Since 2007, an annual International Gotopless Day has been celebrated around the world on or close to Aug. 26.

As long as men are allowed to be topless in public, women should have the same constitutional right. Or else, men should have to wear something to hide their chests.
-Rael Maitreya

Topless common in 15th century
During the 15th century and up to the Renaissance, going topless was not uncommon for women. Showing their legs and ankles was more risqué then. (Art painting:Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels, by Jean Fouquet (c.1450)

Two Wichita girls in summer dress
American Indians were not raised with puritanical values and Indian women went freely topless in public.

Turn-of-the-century women's suit
The bathing suits were made of a long dress complete with knitted tights and sandals.

Bathing suit covered men's torso
Men also had to cover their chests a century ago.

Annette Kellerman's scandal
Australian swimmer, Annette Kellerman, the first woman to swim across the English Channel, was arrested in Boston for wearing a more form-fitting, one-piece suit.

Equal rights to show one's knees!
1910 was a period of transition where women’s knees became “decent” enough to show in public.

Hawaiian Dancer
Hawaiian women were topless until the missionaries came to the islands and forced them to cover up.

Measuring for decency
Bathing suits had to cover a good portion of the upper leg for “decency” in the 1920’s.

Men fight for their topless rights
Before 1936, it was illegal for men to go topless. In 1934, 4 men went topless on Coney Island and were fined $1 each “… there are many people who object to seeing so much of your body exposed”, said the woman magistrate!

First male chest exposed in movie
In “It Happend One Night”, Clark Gable removes his shirt on the Big Screen without wearing an under-shirt and causes a scandal.

Mass arrest of topless males
That year, 42 topless males in Atlantic City, NJ paid $82 total in fines. “We will have no gorilla on our beach!” declared the city fathers!

Men earn their topless rights!
That year, in Westchester, NY, the topless ban was finally lifted for men but for economical reasons. The county Park Commission that provided the swimsuits, realized it was much cheaper to provide only the trunks!

Original Bikini
Modeled by a Casino de Paris dancer because no “decent” woman wanted to wear it. No bikini yet for US women as puritanical American society will not adopt it until several decades later.

Two-piece suit covering the navel
In the 1950’s, the two-piece suit is introduced in the US but the bottom still covers a good portion of the belly and of course the “indecent” navel.

Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr
The scene is from the movie “From Here to Eternity”. Notice the difference in bathing suit styles between the one worn by Deborah Kerr and the bikini worn by Brigitte Bardot a year before.

Marilyn Monroe
The famous actress in “Something’s Got To Give”. Though Marilyn is considered a sexy actress, her bathing suit is still conservative compared to the French actresses of the time.

The First Topless Bathing Suit
NYC designer Rudy Gernreich introduces the first topless bathing suit. This avant-garde suit will not be used on US beaches.

7 Topless Women make history in Rochester, NY
Seven women from Rochester NY were arrested for going topless. Their action will change the topless law in NY. (Photo: Ramona Santorelli & Elise Tooley/ two of the Topfree 7 in the hall of justice, September, 1986)

Topless Gwen Jacobs arrested in Ontario
Gwen Jacob, an Ontario University Student takes off her top on a hot summer day. She was found guilty of committing an indecent act but ultimately won a court victory 20 years later.

NY becomes a legally topless state
The Rochester topless case went to the NY supreme court. It ruled that it is legal to go topless in NY.

Ontario becomes topfree
Ontario becomes officially topfree following the criminal court challenge of Jacob’s case. The judge ruled that going topless is not sexual and therefore not indecent.

Topless Phoenix Feeley wrongfully arrested in NYC
Phoenix Feely goes topless in NYC and is wrongfully arrested by the NYPD. NYC paid $29,000 over the topless arrest. Read More

GoTopless Movement Begins
Spiritual leader, Rael (rael.org) founds GoTopless following the news about Phoenix Feeley’s legal victory. Since that date, a Gotopless Day takes place each Aug.

Femen begins topless protests
Femen, the women’s activist group from Ukraine begins to stage topless protests to draw attention to the injustice done to women around the world.

Phoenix Feeley arrested on NJ beach
Phoenix Feeley is arrested for going topless on a NJ beach. Her case is pending.

Free the Nipple campaign created
Freethenipples campaign followed same value and became a trend in the world.

Topless Iranian women protest against islam
GoTopless Canada is denied a permit for its annual GoTopless beach parade by the city of Toronto on the grounds that event violates the “indecent attire” policy at the beach.

Moira Johnston topless activist in NYC
Moira Johnston, a topless activist, spends the whole summer walking topless in NYC to inform the public about this little known women’s right.

GoTopless wins topless battle in Toronto.
GoTopless pressures the city of Toronto to remove the “indecent attire at the beach” from its city code since it conflicts with Ontario’s topless law.

Phoenix Feeley on hunger strike in jail over topless
Phoenix Feeley refuses to pay fine for going topless on NJ beach and is sent to jail where she will go on a 16 day hunger strike. Read More

Topless Paparazzo wins $40,000 over topless case
Holly Van Voast spent several years appearing topless in public in NYC and was wrongly arrested 10 times and was once taken in a mental hospital over being topless in public. She won in a lawsuit against NYPD $40,000.

GoTopless Activist Sonoko Tagami ticketed in Chicago Beach
Ms. Tagami was fined by the police on GoTopless Day with her nipples solely covered with opaque paint while the men around her legally appeared with theirs fully exposed. Read More
Why have a National Go-Topless Day?
In our modern society, men and women are expected to enjoy equal rights, yet women endure constant discrimination for going topless in public, a right that was given to men decades ago! To protest this unconstitutional gender discrimination, GoTopless.org launched an international Go-Topless Day with events in cities worldwide where thousands of women bare their chests in the name of gender equality.
Why have GoTopless-Day in August 26?
GoTopless Day always falls on the Saturday nearest to August 26, Women’s Equality Day. Indeed, it is on August 26, 1920 that women earned their right to vote on the basis of gender equality. (ratification of the 19th Amendment of the US Constitution.) In 1971, the U.S. Congress officially declared August 26, Women’s Equality Day.
Why do you talk about femininity rather than feminism?
Feminist women fighting for Gender Equality often resort to acting like men in order to be heard. But today our humanity overpowered by centuries male rule is on the brink of destruction and "acting like men" will only precipite our fate. Rael Maitreya, founder of GoTopless, declared: "Femininity (regardless of gender) will save humanity." Feminine civil rights activists place feminine qualities (found in all human beings) such as refinement, kindness, care, compassion, patience, discipline, etc... as the means to accomplish their Equal rights goals.
Why do you have GoTopless actions in cities where top-less freedom for women is already legal?
The purpose of our Gotopless event is two-folds:
(1) to encourage women to stand up for their constitutional topless rights in cities, states and countries where they are still forbidden to do so. (2) and perhaps the most important aspect of our activism is to encourage women to exercise their equal topless right free of shame and guilt. Note that a hundred years ago, though women had just earned the right to vote, relatively few actually did so because of their conditioning. It took a lot of encouragement for them to feel confortable voting. It is the same process for their topless right. Gotopless however welcomes any woman who would like to support us while choosing to keep their top on.
How are you helping women?
GoTopless is committed to helping women perceive their breasts as noble, natural parts of their anatomy (whether they are nursing or not). Breasts shouldn't have to be "modestly" or shamefully hidden from public view any more than arms, legs or feet.
How are you helping men?
GoTopless is also committed to helping men differentiate between nudity and sexuality. If the presence of a topless woman in public triggers a sexual impulse, it can easily be controlled in the same way men control themselves when they see a woman wearing a mini skirt or revealing cleavage. Men manage to appreciate these things while still showing respect! Choosing consciousness above hormones leads to a peaceful, respectful society providing additional freedom and beauty.